Meet Rob Wiser, copywriting and direct response marketing expert.

Rob's rise as a creative force began at New York University's prestigious film and screenwriting program. Upon graduating, he was signed by a top talent agency and headed for Hollywood, where he penned and worked on dozens of scripts for studios and producers.

One of his screenplays, a crime thriller called "Snipes" set in the underworld of the hip hop music industry, launched the career of a then-unknown Zoe Saldana into the stratosphere. Today, she is Hollywood's highest-grossing actress, the leading lady of blockbuster franchises like "Avatar," "Guardians of the Galaxy," and "Avengers."

Rob's prolific output went beyond screenwriting. He became a highly sought-after writer for national magazines including Playboy, FHM, Maxim, and Casino Player, the #1 publication for the casino gaming industry.

When Casino Player offered Rob an editorial position - along with a generous expense account to spend at the nightclubs and blackjack tables - he stepped away from Hollywood to venture into the neon-soaked playground of Las Vegas.

There in Sin City, Rob penned profiles of billionaire casino tycoons, legendary poker pros, and superstar entertainers, all while traveling between Vegas and LA to pitch and develop new film projects.

During this time he became known as an expert on matters pertaining to Las Vegas and gambling, and appeared on national news programs to share his insights. He also became established in the literary world, authoring books for publishing powerhouses like Penguin and Random House.

At a young age, Rob had defied the odds to achieve success in both film and publishing. But something gnawed at his soul: the "gatekeepers" that control those industries.

Rob had grown frustrated with the labyrinthine process of selling his work and navigating the whims of agents, actors and producers. Once the screenplay is sold, the writer has no say in its fate. The odds of the script being transformed into a film are slim at best.

Similarly, in the publishing world, it's common for an author to land a book deal, only to see their work fade into oblivion because the publisher neglects to promote it properly.

Then Rob made a life-changing discovery: the world of internet marketing. He learned that a new breed of creators were taking their knowledge, packaging it into e-books, and selling their work online - direct to customers.

Not only were they skipping the gatekeepers entirely, some were earning millions of dollars. Especially the savviest digital marketers, who went beyond creating ebooks; they bundled an ebook together with videos and audios to offer a "course."

An ebook of dating advice, for example, might sell for $19.97 - but a complete "digital course" including the ebook, plus videos and audio interviews with other experts, could sell for $97 or even $397. And because the products were digital downloads, there were virtually no overhead costs.

It was pure profit, a stark contrast to the lengthy process of crafting and pitching a screenplay in hopes of securing a one-time payment, or publishing a book and receiving mere pennies in royalties for each copy sold.

As a writer, Rob was particularly fascinated by the persuasion methods and storytelling these marketers used in their "copy" - the text they wrote to pitch their products. This is how he discovered copywriting. He became obsessed with studying the work of the top direct response copywriters - unknown outside of their industry, but quietly making incomes much larger than those of most Hollywood screenwriters. 

As Rob developed and honed his methods, he became able to create an entire digital course over a weekend. He could then upload it to his website, write the sales copy, use methods to get free traffic, and see sales rolling in within a week.

Soon Rob was creating digital courses, one after the next, in a variety of highly profitable niches. Once he began to feature his products on Clickbank, one of the top online retail platforms, he began to attract "affiliates" - marketers who promote other people's products in order to earn commissions.

Rob had figured out how to harness the power of his creativity and storytelling talents to generate unlimited passive income: create something once, then make sales forever without any additional work. Many of these sales were driven by affiliates - other internet marketers who sent him customers from around the world and generated sales 24/7.

What had begun with a few simple ebooks was now growing into an ever-expanding digital empire. Instead of being a one-man operation - creating the products and graphics, building the websites, getting the traffic, and handling customer service - he assembled a team of remote workers who handled these duties from the Philippines, India and other countries.

Today, Rob's success has earned him Clickbank's prestigious Diamond Award for three years in row. 

His passion for digital marketing and copywriting burns brighter than ever. He shares his passive income methods through popular courses and speaks at major international marketing events. He is also a sought-after coach and consultant.

Now, as Artificial Intelligence transforms writing and marketing, Rob stands poised on the cutting edge, eager to seize the boundless opportunities that lie ahead and help guide others towards greater freedom and success.

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